In this section of our website you can find resources to help you commemorate the Holocaust and subsequent genocides and to re-confirm the importance of Human Rights. The chosen International Day of Remembrance is 27 January.

There are many resources for teachers on various websites in the world on Holocaust issues and a selection of some of the best can be found on our Worldwide Links (see menu to the left).

However, Asociatia Tikvah has been involved in creating new 
resources for teachers in Romania and this is our priority, but for completeness we have included English versions, where available.

To obtain these resources just click on the images.


Resources for schools


 Romanian resources




Some of the most compelling witness statements about the horrors of the Holocaust come from the lips and pens of ordinary soldiers. They had not battled across German-occupied Europe to discover concentration camps. Most of their discoveries came as a complete surprise.

This surprise and shock is evident whether the liberators were from Soviet, British or American forces. In a series of six modules Asociatia Tikvah has gathered together samples of these testimonies and produced a Romanian teaching resource of pdfs, powerpoints and videos.

These can be viewed/downloaded from the Romanian-language part of our website.




The English versions can be found by scrolling down this page.



This resource was developed for teachers who wanted to study the diaries of either Eva Heyman or Anne Frank. The timeline maps the events that were overtaking both these young diarists and puts them in the context of World War II as a whole and in particular in Northern Transylvania.

Eva and Anne were for a short time in Auschwitz together and a little later Anne and Eva's mother were in Bergen-Belsen at the same time.

Quotes from the diaries show the experiences and fears of two young girls as the final chapter of the Holocaust approaches.



This pdf shows the exhibition that tells the story of a Memory Book kept by Hedy Klein,a young girl from Oradea who was deported to Auschwitz. It has primarily been developed for young people between the ages of 10 to 14, but may be suitable for those somewhat older as well. It shows the journey of both Hedy and her Memory Book as she grew up in Oradea, was deported to Auschwitz, survived, returned to Oradea and subsequently emigrated to Canada.

This exhibition not only tells the story of Hedy, but also some of those who were Hedy's classmates and contributors to her Memory Book. 

Teachers who wish to use the materials in this exhibition can also apply to us through our Contact page for a Powerpoint version which may be more suitable for use in class.


Similarly, as can be seen below, a lesson plan is also available.


 HEDY AND HER MEMORY BOOK - The story in a pdf

This pdf resource was developed between Asociatia Tikvah and the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust in the UK primarily for use in UK schools on 27 January, but Asociatia Tikvah has translated the material so that it can be used in Romania. It tells the story of Hedy and her Memory Book in outline. 

For teachers wishing to use Hedy and her Memory Book as a project for 27 January and needing a lesson plan can apply to Asociatia Tikvah for a Romanian version through using our Contact page.

At the commemoration day on 27 January 2014 videos were shown of Hedy answering questions about her life as a child in Oradea and her later experiences. The questions were asked by pupils from National College "Emanuil Gojdu". Most of the videos have Romanian sub-titles. Watch them here.



Footprints: Discovering the Holocaust through Historical Artefacts is an 8 minute video suitable for showing to young people from the ages of 10 to 18. The video is in English but with Romanian sub-titles.


">Footprints Romanian edition from John Andrews on Vimeo.


Asociatia Tikvah has a limited supply of the DVD and schools may apply for a copy using our Contact us page.



 This detailed lesson plan (pdf) integrates the video 'Footprints' into a classroom activity and explains how the Holocaust can be explored through the use of authentic artefacts.



 This Powerpoint presentation accompanies and complements the video 'Footprints'.




English resources




  Module 1


Concentration camps and Extermination centres/camps


This module gives teachers and pupils an introduction to the concept of concentration camps and their extension into places of execution. It gives an impression of the extent of the camps across German-occupied territory and the types of inmates that were targeted.

 The main groups of people that the Third Reich regarded as inferior, or a threat, are identified and examined in more detail.



Module 2


Concentration/Extermination Camp Timeline

This factual pdf is prepared primarily for teachers to provide accounts of the development of three concentration/extermination camps: Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen and Mauthausen. Each of which was eventually liberatedby armies from three different Allied forces: Soviet, British and American.

The timeline sets the development of the individual camps in the overall context of World War II through providing a general timeline which shows Nazi history from 1933 to 1945.



Module 3




This powerpoint has been prepared for teachers and pupils to allow them tounderstand the development of Auschwitz, close to the largely Jewish town of Oświęcim in occupied-Poland, as a concentration camp for prisoners-of-war and then an extermination centre.

The main focus is upon the testimonies of the ordinary liberating Soviet soldiers who provide an independent witness of the atrocities committed within the camp.

Click on the image below to see the powerpoint/pdf.



The short video extracts filmed by Soviet cameramen below are designed to be played at the appropriate part of the powerpoint/pdf.



">Auschwitz from Asociatia Tikvah on Vimeo.




 Module 4




This powerpoint has been prepared for teachers and pupils to allow them to understand the development of Bergen-Belsen in Germany from a prisoner-of-war camp, to an exchange camp and finally to a typhus-ridden place of death.

The main focus is upon the testimonies of the ordinary liberating British soldiers who provide an independent witness of the atrocities committed within the camp.

 Click on the image below to see the powerpoint/pdf. 


 The short video extracts filmed by British cameramen below are designed to be played at the appropriate part of the powerpoint/pdf.




">Bergen-Belsen from">Asociatia Tikvah on">Vimeo.


Module 5




This powerpoint has been prepared for teachers and pupils to allow them to understand the development of Mauthausen in annexed-Austria as a slave labour camp for political opponents to a command centre of many sub-camps, such as Gunskirchen.

The main focus is upon the testimonies of the ordinary liberating Americansoldiers who provide an independent witness of the atrocities committed within the camps.

Click on the image to see the powerpoint/pdf.


 The short video extracts filmed by US cameramen below are designed to be played at the appropriate part of the powerpoint/pdf.




">Dade from">Asociatia Tikvah on">Vimeo.



">Seibel from">Asociatia Tikvah on">Vimeo.


Module 6


The Black Messiah


This pdf tells the story of the 761st Tank Regiment which was the first Black (African-American) tank unit to be sent into a war zone at a time when there was still significant race discrimination within the US military.

The 761st had a distinguished war record, including assisting in the liberation of Gunskirchen, a sub-camp of Mauthausen. Their story is briefly told, including their struggle for recognition after the end of the World War II.

The title of the Module comes from a poem written by a young Polish Jewess liberated by a Black soldier at Mauthausen.


We are currently preparing a specific lesson plan to accompany this Module, but it can already be used as a narrative to be discussed with pupils prompting a debate about the nature of prejudice and discrimination and where it can lead.

Click on the image to see the pdf. 






This resource was developed for teachers who wanted to study the diaries of either Eva Heyman or Anne Frank. The timeline maps the events that were overtaking both these young diarists and puts them in the context of World War II as a whole and in particular in Northern Transylvania.


Eva and Anne were for a short time in Auschwitz together and a little later Anne and Eva's mother were in Bergen-Belsen at the same time.




Quotes from the diaries show the experiences and fears of two young girls as the final chapter of the Holocaust approaches.



HEDY AND HER MEMORY BOOK - The story in a pdf


This pdf resource was developed between Asociatia Tikvah and the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust in the UK specifically for use in UK schools on 27 January 2014, but can be used for any 27 January in future years. It tells the story of Hedy and her Memory Book in outline.  





HEDY AND HER MEMORY BOOK - The lesson plan

Once again this lesson plan was developed in partnership with HMDT and was created primarily for use in UK schools, also

HMDT created a Powerpoint to support the above lesson plan.



Thanks to Crestwood Preparatory College in Toronto and its inspirational teacher Scott Masters and his dedicated colleagues and pupils there are two different video series featuring Hedy where she relates her experiences to classes at Crestwood.

Both series can be seen here.


HEDY AND HER MEMORY BOOK - The Easy Read version

For people with learning difficulties there is a more easy to read version.